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Pre-Reset/United Nations of Earth Latest in String of Khell'Zen Victories

Updated: Mar 3, 2019

The United Nations of Earth, a bastion of free society, has become a satrapy of the Khell'Zen Horde.

Following in the footsteps of their fellow Humans, the UNE fought a brief series of border conflicts with the Horde before submitting, though not before the systems of Guwartan, Saidropis, Aludra, Rakaron, and Sorcimax were seized.

Current UNE President Jark, daughter of Nagg, has made no comment on the situation. The Sol system, seat of UNE power, remains untouched by the horde fleets, though the customary Horde garrison fleet and space station have now been constructed above it.

The submission of the UNE means that once-safe nations, such as the Giranshu Syndicate and Ymacera Autocracy, are now in range of Horde-controlled hyperlanes. The Khell'Zen are already waging wars with the Glost-Werheni Associated Suns and the DFC, as well as preparing for a push into Slerpanor League space. Khell'Zen space now encompasses over 45 star systems, a significant threat to the remaining independent powers in the northern part of the galaxy.

Some theorize that the belligerent expansionism of the Horde may incur the wrath of the neighboring Xu'Lokako Watchers, Holy Guardians with several systems bordering Khell'Zen space. Many more argue that the Great Khan Hema up Khnu is no fool, and will avoid potential conflict with the Watchers. None forget the Furud Skirmish, however, a mysterious battle between the Xu'Lokako and Horde resulting in the destruction of the 12th Human Auxiliary fleet. No more battles have come, however, and most believe that that particular branch of Khell'Zen conflict has come to an end.

More articles to come as more recent updates of Horde action come in.

Last updated 2369.5.26

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