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Pre-Reset/Will the Khell'Zen Horde Disrupt the Galactic Economy?

Updated: Mar 3, 2019

The rise of the Khell'Zen Horde in 2346 is worrying not only nations, but corporations as well. What does the rise of the crusading horde mean for the galactic economy?

Since its reunification under a new Great Khan, the Khell'Zen Horde has embarked on a radical campaign of expansion, laying waste to Commonwealth of Man "containment" stations in Hiamit, constructed decades prior in an attempt to stop any potential attack. Despite these measures and the scramble of Strike Force Cerberus to Deneb to defend against invasion, the Commonwealth soon capitulated and became a satrapy of the Khell'Zen. Deneb – the midpoint of the Pars Domum Trade Passage and a crucial stop to ships moving through the north side of the galaxy – now features a sizable Horde fleet and station orbiting Unity.

Out of fear for their wares, numerous trade vessels have diverted from their planned courses and reversed to travel instead through southern trade routes, free from Horde obstructions. Another enemy lies in that direction, though – the Caphevad Entity blocks all passage through Pars Procul, cutting off numerous nations from needed trade, most all of the Cevanti Combine, current Galactic Market leader.

Some trade ships have begun blazing a new route directly underneath Horde space, away from Horde-controlled hyperlanes. This route is free of obstruction – or so it is thought – thought travels dangerously close to the galactic center, often a source of mysterious hyperdrive breakdowns that might leave ships stranded for months. The permanence of this new route is in question, however – the Khell'Zen, after taming the Commonwealth of Man, have begun a new campaign into United Nations space, obliterating several frontier stations in the first assault. This advance could grant access to the very same hyperlanes now being discovered by traders, and allow the Horde a route to attack the Democratic Fiiral Commonwealth from its unprotected sides.

What remains to be seen, however, is the Horde's economic stance itself. Thus far, its focus has been on militarization and the collection of energy credits as a mercenary group, rather than trading resources and valuables. Indeed, all of the Khell'Zen's "home systems" are populated not by colonized worlds, but space stations and asteroid habitats. If they are to be a star nation, however, they would need a capital planet – many suggest that the odd constructions in the obscure Kocracca system are a precursor to eventual colonization of Kocracca III.

The Horde itself has, of course, made little comment on civilian matters involving their conquered systems. They currently accept no pacts or trade deals of any kind, and policy concerning satrapies is a simple cut of the income.

For the time being, the corporations of the galaxy are free to continue trading, the Horde threat safely out of mind in Pars Domum.

Last updated 2352.8.15

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