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Pre-Reset/After-Action Report: End of the Jakly

Updated: Mar 3, 2019

Ends of nations are rarely called "anti-climactic," though this may well be a candidate for the phrase.

In 2360.06.27, the Jakly Heralds of Death ceased to function as a star nation. After a rapid-fire battle in Anaxador, Strike Force Cerberus escorted the 75th Assault Legion to Coral Crown, the seat of decaying Jakly power, and in under a month the planet was fully controlled by Commonwealth armed forces.

But the end of what is nearly a century-long conflict lacks the significance one might expect. Though celebration was likely widespread throughout the Commonwealth – this was the vanquishing of an old rival – it was dampened by the depressing presence of the Khell'Zen Horde space station hovering above Unity. Only a few years prior, the Commonwealth had suffered a crippling loss of face after it surrendered to the Horde following brief stages of resistance. Some believe that the Commonwealth is merely playing a trick – that it will rise up later – but many more wait, appendages crossed, hoping that the xenophobic state is gone for good.

Hema up Lor led Strike Force Cerberus to its long-awaited victory in Anaxador, and General Larionov personally commanded the 75th Assault Legion as it landed on the planet surface, outnumbering the defenders six-to-one. Unlike the previous Sword Offensive on Jakaro during the Slerpanor-Human War, the invasion of Coral Crown was an easy victory, boosting morale across Commonwealth space.

Farther south, the Jakly performed a final offensive, their Hurricane fleet smashing through outposts in Sehueturn and Doria before being intercepted by a vastly superior Khell'Zen fleet.

Anaxador has been seized by the Commonwealth, while remaining two Jakly systems in Pars Domum have been claimed by the Khell'Zen Horde, which has established numerous armed starbases in the region.

Last updated 2360.08.18

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