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  • Writer's pictureLeviathan Events Analysis

(out-of-character) Game End & Restart

Greetings faithful Leviathan subscribers.

To my infinite sadness, I have had to put an end to the save game I had been using as a source of events for the website (I was playing as the Commonwealth of Man, were it not clear from the main subject of posts).

For any interested:

The Commonwealth was made a satrapy by the Khell'Zen Horde of marauders.

I then defeated a small neighboring empire before consolidating my ships in Deneb and fortifying the space station, staging a last-stand battle that... went much longer, as the Khan fleets made their way to the system.

The Khan died.

Another Khan was appointed.

The Khanate became a proper nation, and we left the war with a truce, and my fleet intact.

This happened...

With my economy in the dumps and war on the horizon within the next decade (the Khanate was hostile, and overwhelming in fleet power), I decided that I should call the game here. This isn't to mention the part where I colonized a Holy World in hopes of the Fallen Empire going crazy on the Khanate, but they only declared war after the end of the Khanate conflict... the Grand Marshal got assassinated as part of the surrender terms.

I know it seems like a cheat, but the game was nearly unsalvageable and I had no interest in trying to save it. Additionally, starting a new game would mean starting from scratch with the news site, rather than a hundred years into the game.

Since I'm starting a new game, I thought it would only be fair to allow Leviathan readers to choose what empire I next play as. The options, as well as a basic outliner, are described below.

The voting strawpoll can be found here (please read about the options before voting):

The poll will last until 9:00 PM EST, and may be extended depending on the amount of votes received.


Governing Body: Kekorian Interplanetary Authority

Government details: The Kekorian Interplanetary Authority is governed by a Grand Marshal selected from the ranks of the military elite. Below the office of the Grand Marshal is the High Council, and its lesser partner, the aptly-named Civilian Council (commonly referred to as CivCouncil). The High Council was composed of high-ranking military officers from all branches, while the Civilian Council was comprised of a number of ministers that each handled specific branches, like sanitation and health, policing, education, archival duties, public media, and other important civilian functions. Though important to the functioning of the empire, Civilian Councillors could rarely ascend any further through the ranks without joining the military.

Cornerstone ethics: Authoritarian militarists, Kekorian governments almost always favor high military spending with an eye to large fleets, armies, and defensive stations. Though not quite an omnipresent police state, Kekorian worlds are regardless patrolled by a wide variety of “enforcer” units ordered to sniff out wrongdoers.


Governing Body: Chrawki Commonwealth

Government details: A moral democracy, Chrawki politics are presided over by a democratically elected Prime Minister. Equal in power is the parliament and courts. However, unlike other governments where the Prime Minister nominates appointees to the courts, who are then confirmed by the parliament, the adjudicators are decided by the people. Each of the nine seats on the Supreme Court is changed every two standard years – the previous holder replaced by a candidate from a planet who is elected by said planet’s populus. The generous amount of worlds colonized by the Chrawki mean that the list of Adjudicators rarely stays the same for long.

Cornerstone ethics: The Chrawki government often favors egalitarian, pacifist policies that promote relations with alien species.


Governing Body: Aranean Collective

Government details: Materialists to the core, Araneans favor a government type that is comprised of a group of the most senior military and civilian leaders, who elected a Director-General to preside over all proceedings. The political elite are, in fact, excluded from the government, which is often made up only of leading scientific and military figures.

Cornerstone ethics: Materialists, the Araneans are loathe to let any politicking get in the way of their pursuit of higher technology, creating a thoroughly egalitarian society. The government often chooses cautious interaction with alien species, just as much interested in their technology as their biology. Regardless of their apparently shrewd exterior, the species itself is accepting of relations, though their level of dedication is to be seen.


Governing Body: Sclopedran Empire

Government details: Sclopedans default to a simple dictatorship system. No one can nominate themselves in elections, only others – meaning that, oftentimes, only those with enough merit find themselves ruling the Sclopedans, who follow a cultural identity that prescribes great significance to those of mental as well as physical prowess.

Cornerstone ethics: Despite the authoritarian, materialistic desires of the Sclopedans, they are quite friendly to alien races, willing to strike many deals to grow their own empire, physically, economically, or culturally.


Governing Body: Jubaran Republic

Government details: Due to the Jubaran’s nature as practicing a faith, the democratically-elected ruler and legislative branch are advised by a religious council that holds a significant amount of sway over the government.

Cornerstone ethics: In many ways, the spiritualist, egalitarian, and xenophilic traits of the Jubaran government make them ideal friends in the galaxy.


Governing body: Tarassi Commerce League

Government details: A loosely-organized plutocracy, the trade union government of the Commerce League focuses more on profit than diplomacy. A board of representatives bring all varieties of merchant interests to the table.

Cornerstone ethics: Although ostensibly interested in foreign relations, anyone who digs deep enough will quickly learn that the basis for the “egalitarian,” “xenophilic” nature of the Tarassians will learn that it is really the manifestation of their toxic greed and intense desire to turn a profit off of alien species.

The United Nations of Earth requires no introduction.

These nations form the core of a wider worldbuilding project of mine, and as thus I plan to have a great deal more material to create news about.

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