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Politics / Dolores Muwanga Re-Elected as Secretary-General

United Nations Secretary-General Dolores Muwanga has been re-elected for another ten year term.

Muwanga's platform focused on economic growth continued strong through this election cycle, this time with a focus on urbanization. Muwanga pledged in her inauguration speech to further the construction of new city districts on Earth, creating new jobs and houses for the unemployed making up some of Earth's populace.

Muwanga's opposition, Sol governor Lyudmilla Ostrovskaya, had been running on a platform based on advancing the mining and agriculture industry of the United Nations. The governor had been a strong proponent of early colonization, pushing for United Nations efforts in the area despite potential economic repercussions. Ostrovskaya nonetheless succeeded in passing colonization assistance legislature on Earth, which would theoretically promote a substantial decrease in the amount of time needed to colonize an alien planet.

Muwanga also announced broad trade system reformations in her inauguration speech.

"For too long, the Earth economy has relied on trade to survive," she said, speaking from Geneva.

"These reformations will both promote the development of a more independent economy as well as the use of trade not just as a source of revenue, but of new ideas, concepts, and cultures."

Muwanga's reformations have been widely hailed as pre-emptive to contact with intelligent life. Many support such policies out of hope of contact sapient life, dubbing the policy the "Marketplace of Ideas". Opposition remains strong, however, ensuring that Muwanga will face strong resistance to the implementation of xenodiplomacy policies.

Last updated 2210.1.14

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