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Science / Intelligent life taunts with pointed absence

In a breakthrough study published by Yuma Sato, Chief Science Officer of the UNS Von Braun, the third planet in the Alpha Centauri system has been ruled habitable to Human life. Its atmosphere and climate regions are remarkable similar to those on Earth, making it an ideal spot for a United Nations colony.

"In the researcher's opinion, Alpha Centauri III is remarkably capable of sustaining our species as well as many indigenous Earth species," writes Sato in his latest survey report. Sato spent well over a year surveying the various planets in the Alpha Centauri system, and the discovery of alien flora and fauna on a habitable planet is easily considered his crowning achievement from the survey mission thus far.

What many skeptics have opted to point out is the obvious lack of intelligent alien life.

"We knew that it'd be unlikely to find equals amongst the stars," says burgeoning biologist Advaith Upadhyay.

"But a vast majority of Earth's populace are still disappointed by its absence. Alpha Centauri III rekindled hope, but now that we have primitive forms of alien life well-documented, no one is quite ready to accept that that might be as far as we get."

As part of a campaign to encourage the search for worlds like Alpha Centauri III, United Nations Economic and Social Council President Xiang Mao has sponsored a United Nations "Habitable Worlds Survey" that aims to locate additional planets suitable for colonization as well as further life in the galaxy.

The closest the United Nations has gotten to locating intelligent life lies in traces of an ancient civilization – the "First League" – found on Fidhilam II. Many xenoarchaeologists believe that the First League will offer just as much scientific knowledge as living aliens, though many Earth citizens disagree.

Whether live or dead, alien life seems to be the driving force for scientists in this era.

Last updated, 2203.9.23

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